
Landscapes for Living: Post War Landscape Architecture in Los Angeles, SCI-Arc Campus, April 15, 2011


Joseph Y. Yamada, RLA, FASLA

joined Harriett B. Wimmer in 1954 after graduating with a degree in landscape architecture from UC Berkeley. Shortly thereafter the two became partners and Ms. Wimmer’s was renamed Wimmer Yamada. For over 50 years Mr. Yamada was instrumental in providing award-winning landscape design for many San Diego landmark sites including Sea World, Seaport Village, Embarcadero Marina Park and Balboa Park. Mr. Yamada also served as the original landscape architect for the UC San Diego campus and worked on the original campus master plan, School of Medicine, Library, Revelle College and Muir College. Mr. Yamada’s designs can still be seen throughout San Diego County – from corporate campuses to park and recreation facilities, to major infrastructure improvements, he produced timeless designs known for scale, detail and classic site design.