
Pioneers Regional Symposia 2009-10

To celebrate the recent publication
of Shaping the American Landscape: New Profiles from the Pioneers of American Landscape Design Project, a series of regional symposia will be held. Each venue in this national series will spotlight specific designers, projects, and trends that collectively celebrate our unique and historically significant designed landscape heritage. Speakers will include leading historians, designers, and practitioners.

Final in Series

April 15, 2011 | SCI-Arc Campus, Los Angeles, CA

2010 Series

May 6-8 | Dallas Museum of Art | Dallas, TX

Oct 8 | Lyman Estate | Waltham, MA

Nov 5 | Atlanta History Center | Atlanta, GA

2009 Series

Shaping the American Landscape:
New York City and the Region

Shaping the American Landscape:
Spotlight on the Tennessee Valley

Landscapes for Living: Post War Years in Northern California

The Hunter and the Philosopher: John O. Simonds
Pioneer Landscape Architect

Shaping America’s Heartland: Reflections on
Landscape Architecture in the Midwest


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"Shaping the American Landscape does what no other single tome has before –it  pins together a cohesive framework illuminating the community of people who have formed and continue to influence our designed landscapes. Our gardens and parks may reveal more about American history and consciousness than any other texts, so this thoughtful celebration of the people who created them is especially welcome."

- Sarah Kinbar, Editor-in-Chief, Garden Design