
Landscapes for Living: Post War Landscape Architecture in Los Angeles, SCI-Arc Campus, April 15, 2011


Mia Lehrer, FALSA

is the founding principal of Mia Lehrer + Associates, known for its design and development of a wide spectrum of ambitious public and private projects that include urban revitalization developments, large urban parks, and complex commercial projects. Born in San Salvador, El Salvador, Ms. Lehrer earned her Masters of Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. In 2007, she was inducted as a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects.  Ms. Lehrer serves on the City of Los Angeles’ Mayor’s Design Advisory Panel, as well as the Board of Directors at the Landscape Architecture Foundation, the Latino Urban Forum, the National Gardening Association, the Hollywood Design Review Committee and the Harvard Magazine Design Review Board. Additionally, she has served on the City of Los Angeles’ Cultural Heritage Commission, the Harvard Graduate School of Design Alumni Council, board of directors of TreePeople and Collage Dance Theater.  In addition to being published in international journals, popular magazines, and newspapers, her work and that of her firm has been included in several important museum and gallery exhibitions.