
Landscapes for Living: Post War Years in Texas, Dallas Museum of Art,  May 6-8, 2010


Frederick Steiner, PhD

Frederick Steiner is the dean of the School of Architecture and Henry M. Rockwell Chair in Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. As a Fulbright-Hays scholar in 1980, he conducted research on ecological planning at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands. In 1998, he was the National Endowment for the Arts Rome Prize Fellow in Historic Preservation and Conservation at the American Academy in Rome. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects and an Academic Fellow of the Urban Land Institute. He is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Dean Steiner has worked with local, state, and federal agencies on diverse environmental plans and designs. Currently, he chairs the five-county Envision Central Texas Project, having served on its board of directors and executive committee since ECT was established in 2002. He is also currently part of a UT team that organized an exhibit on the resilience of the Gulf Coast and the city of New Orleans for the 2006 Venice Biennale. In 2005, he was on a team, selected from over 1,000 entries, to be one of five finalists in the United Flight 93 National Memorial Competition in Pennsylvania.