
Civic Horticulture Confernece, May 17, 2013 in Philadelphia

Peter Wirtz

Director, Wirtz International nv

Mr. Wirtz is Co-Director of Wirtz International. He grew up in the family nursery and garden, familiarizing himself with orchids and Mediterranean plants, roses, Japanese cherries, Hydrangea’s, fruit and vegetables. Later his personal passion grew to include health and salt resistant plants from the Chilean West coast, California, Florida, the Mediterranean coastal regions and the Atlantic West coast of Europe. Mr. Wirtz works on private, public, corporate, and institutional projects in Europe and America together with his brother and co-director Martin Wirtz and a design studio of 11 collaborators. Former or ongoing garden projects: private gardens in the US; Domaine de Wideville, Paris, France (private); Chateau de La Croe, Nice, France (private);  De Stadstuin Ronse, Belgium (public park & private development); Jubilee Park, London, UK (public park); Ernsting’s Family Campus, Coesfeld, Germany (corporate); Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland (institutional); and Shanghai Chanfeng, China (mixed development). Mr. Wirtz completed studies of music at Antwerp Conservatory (Belgium) and landscape architecture at Cornell University.

The Tuileries Garden, Paris, France