
Civic Horticulture Confernece, May 17, 2013 in Philadelphia

Henry M. White, III FASLA

Principal, HM White Site Architecture

Mr. White is a Principal at HM White Site Architects. Led by the conviction that the designed landscape is among the most perpetual and convincing forms of cultural expression and environmental accountability, he has pursued an interest in landscape since his childhood. Each of his designs employs the fundamental principles of “Biophylla” where nature’s infusion takes on more of a starring role. His work successfully bridges broad scales from the New York Times Lobby Garden to the reclamation of Staten Island’s St George waterfront into a multi-purpose public transportation supported marine park. As an urban dweller for most of his life and a quality of life public space advocate, Mr. White has served as President of Trees New York for over 10 years and was one of the original members of NYC’s Municipal Arts Society’s Street and Sidewalk Committee – responsible for influencing advancements in urban forestry technology toward new municipal street design standards.

The Biophilic Street, Paris, France