
Conference: Second Wave of Modernism in Landscape Architecture in America (November 13-15, 2008 in Chicago)

Friday, November 14


Discussion Panels

In addition to the three main topic panels, each speaker will also participate in one of two discussion panels. These 45-minute panels are intended to promote spirited discussion between the speakers and the audience.



Moving Beyond the Tabula Rasa
The role of the landscape architect operating
in a modern style in a post-tabula rasa age.

Andrea Cochran
Walter Hood
Doug Reed
Peter Lindsay Schaudt
Ken Smith

Technology in the Second Wave
Function as a design idea explores the effects
of new technologies on modern design today.  

Tom Oslund
Mark Rios
Martha Schwartz
Michael van Valkenburgh
Thomas Woltz



Feral Geometry: A Narrative of Modern Materials on the Bank of Turtle Creek, Dallas, TX
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc., landscape architects.
(Photo: Carolyn Brown)

Garden on Turtle Creek


Conference curators Jane Amidon and Charles Birnbaum will provide an overview and present the structure for the day.

Friday’s program will consist of three panels, each with three panelists who will each give thirty-minute written presentations in their subject area. Panelists have been invited to speak about particular topics because of potential resonances between their work and the first generation of modernists. Importantly, the presentations are not intended to be an overview of the panelist’s work, but instead, a well considered response to a specific topic. It is expected that panelists will use examples from their own practice to substantiate their points; inclusion of specific precedents or influences from first-wave modernism is encouraged.