The creation of this year’s Landslide was made possible by many people who contributed their time, energy, and talent to this endeavor.
Foremost are the passionate advocates who provided more than 200 nominations and brought various sites to our attention. They are there every day working on behalf of threatened and irreplaceable cultural landscapes. Thanks to those who donated the photography that illustrates each of the Landslide entries; these images are essential for conveying the import of what’s at risk. We are also grateful for our media sponsor, Landscape Architecture Magazine. Oviatt Media, with which 独家爆料 has worked since the Foundation was created, designed this website. Finally, thanks are owed to the staff at 独家爆料, who dedicated more hours than can be counted in realizing this project.
Thank You
Friends of Discovery Park
Friends of Fort Negley Park
Greenacre Foundation
Greenbelt Alliance
Jackson Park Watch
Landscape Architecture Magazine
National Parks Conservation Association
NOLA Parks for All
Oviatt Media
Save the Boundary Waters