

Guy Hagstette, FAIA
Director of Parks and Civic Projects, Kinder Foundation

HagstetteGuy Hagstette is Director of Parks and Civic Projects for the Kinder Foundation, a Houston-based philanthropy that is actively supporting many of Houston’s recent park initiatives.

Currently, Mr. Hagstette also is advising the Houston Parks Board on Bayou Greenways 2020, a seven-year, $220,000,000 program to double Houston’s trail system and parkland along its nine bayous to 150 miles of trails and 4,000 acres of green space. In late 2015, he completed 5 ½ years of oversight of $54,000,000 of improvements to the 162-acre, 2.3-mile-long Buffalo Bayou Park west of downtown Houston. From 2006 to mid-2010, Mr. Hagstette was President of the Discovery Green Conservancy where he oversaw the $125,000,000 Park’s development through its opening in 2008 and then its first 27 months of operations. Prior to Discovery Green, he was Director of Planning and Development for Central Houston, Inc. (CHI) and the Houston Downtown Management District (HDMD) since 1992. And through his design firm, Team HOU, he was responsible for the design and implementation of the $20,000,000 Sesquicentennial Park in downtown’s Theater District from 1986 to its completion in 1998.

Mr. Hagstette is a registered architect and urban designer who holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard University (1981) and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Texas at Austin (1979). He was born in Houston and attended Memorial High School.