
Photo © Eli Reed


The main threat to the Live Oak Allée comes from the continued expansion of public infrastructure surrounding it. Though construction plans generally call for tree preservation, management plans rarely account for the protection of the trees from machinery and soil displacement. Most recently, the addition of an above-ground railway threatened the continued health of the trees. Initial proposals for the railway included the displacement and removal of several trees. However, in light of the threat that these plans presented to the well-recognized, historical element they were ill-received and quickly abandoned. Instead, alternate plans were designed to accommodate the health and survival of the trees, and every effort was made to protect them during the construction process. Without continued public awareness of their import and value, the future of these trees will be subject to potentially shortsighted municipal plans that neglect to realize the significance of their survival thus far.

educational partners
Additional Sponsors

John A. Brooks, Inc. • The Brown Foundation • Charles Butt • The City of Charleston • Barb & George Cochran • Topher Delaney• Jungle Gardens, Inc. • Magnolia Plantation & Gardens • Marc Dutton Irrigation, Inc. • Rancho Los Alamitos Foundation • L. Cary Saurage II Fund • Jeff & Patsy Tarr • Seibert & Rice