
The Threat

Hurricane Katrina exacerbated a long-standing threat to the gardens: lack of funds. The New Orleans Botanical Garden is just one part of the 1300-acre New Orleans City Park. Prior to Katrina, the Park's budget was $10.8 million per year: it receives no operating revenue from the City of New Orleans and just $200,000 per year from the State of Louisiana. The Park must generate all additional revenue via fees for services (golf, catering, entry to the Botanical Garden and traditional fundraising methods). Thus the garden relies primarily on self-generated funds. However, due to Katrina damage, it has not yet reopened. Furthermore, the population of New Orleans has declined substantially since the hurricane, and no one can estimate many visitors the botanical garden will receive after it opens. Since Katrina the garden has received donations, but essential self-generated funds are virtually non-existent.