
Cultural Landscapes: Managing Adaptive Reuse of Historic Landscapes

San Francisco, CA

Join California Preservation Foundation for  where you will learn to identify and document character defining features, engage with Cultural Landscape Reports, and understand types and periods of significance. The workshop will close with a tour of the Presidio.

Douglas Nelson, RHAA Landscape Architecture, Planning and Urban Design
Cathy Garrett, PGA Design Landscape Architects
Gretchen Hilyard, Preservation Planner, Planning Department, City and County of San Francisco
Vida Germano, Cultural Landscapes Inventory Coordinator, National Park Service, Pacific West Region
Chandler McCoy, Associate Director of Planning & Design, Presidio Trust
Michael Lamb, Historic Landscape Architect, Presidio Trust

Since 1977, California Preservation Foundation has assembled preservation-minded individuals and organizations to advocate for and document historic places. Their Preservation Design Awards and monthly workshops provide opportunities for design professionals to exchange ideas about restoration, rehabilitation, craftsmanship, and interpretation of cultural resources.

Workshop, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco: Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 9:00 to 4:00.