Landslide Program
The goal of聽Landslide庐聽is to draw immediate
and lasting attention to threatened cultural landscapes.
尝补苍诲蝉濒颈诲别听 sparks debate, revealing the value of places
we experience daily and encouraging informed community-based
stewardship. Landslide monitors at-risk landscapes and
produces annual thematic reports to help save our shared
landscape legacy for future generations. Through web-based news
stories, traveling exhibitions, technical assistance, and print
publications, Landslide mobilizes and amplifies support
for that legacy at the local, state, and national level.
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address: "Atlanta GA",
html: '
Deepdene Park at Druid Hills Atlanta, Georgia',
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address: "Lake Wales FL",
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City of Lake Wales Lake Wales, Florida',
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address: "Boston MA",
html: '
Franklin Park Boston, Massachusetts',
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address: "Washington D.C.",
html: '
Olmsted Woods at Washington National Cathedral Washington, D.C.',
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address: "Calgary Canada",
html: '
Scarboro Calgary, Alberta, Canada ',
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address: "East Providence RI",
html: '
Veterans Memorial Parkway East Providence, Rhode Island',
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address: "Milwaukee WI",
html: '
Washington Park Milwaukee, Wisconsin',
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image: "img/pin.png",
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iconanchor: [12, 46],
address: "Staten Island NY",
html: '
Downing Park Newburgh, New York
Genesee Valley Park Rochester, New York
Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park Oyster Bay, New York',
icon: {
image: "img/pin.png",
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address: "Seattle WA",
html: '
Seattle Parks and Boulevards Seattle, Washington',
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